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to dutch Phytoplankton monitoring by flowcytometry and EasyClus

Phytoplankton analysis and/or monitoring by flowcytometry is a cooperation of CytoBuoy BV and Thomas Rutten Projects. CytoBuoy offers an unique flowcytometer principle with respect to:
- the high dynamic sizes that can be measured in one analysis without any  preparation(1um to several mm in length)
- the collection of whole species signals (fingerprints)
- the collection of many images of species during the usual analysis
- the ability to use the instrument really stand alone or live during several months
- the collection of information other than only algae

EasyClus & LIVE (by TRP) offers software that:
- clusters and auto-database cytometric data
- works full automatic in the Live mode
- report your results immediately (few minutes after analysis) to a website
- helps you to optimize your flowcytometric analysis settings

Information about the website

Thomas Rutten Projects
Hoogstraat 7
4331 KR Middelburg
The Netherlands
+31 (0)6- 546 25 903

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